
日期:10-31| http://www.59wj.com |宋词三百首|人气:366




A Skyful of Joy

The Cicada

The cicada transformed from the wronged Queen Qi

Pours out her broken heart from year to year on the tree.

It sobs now on cold twig and now on darkened leaves;

Again and again

It laments her death and grieves.

When the west window’s swept by rain,

It sings in the air as her jasper pendant rings

Or her fair fingers play on zither’s strings.

No longer black is now her mirrored hair;

I ask for whom its wings should still be black and fair.

The golden stature steeped in tears of lead

Was carried far away with plate in days of old.

Where can the cicada find dew on which it fed?

Its sickly wings are afraid of autumn cold

And its abandoned form has witnessed rise and fall.

How many sunsets can it still endure?

Its last song is saddest of all.

Why should it sing alone on high and pure

And suddenly appear

So sad and drear?

Can it forget the summer breeze

When waved thousands of twigs of willow trees?



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