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托福考试词汇细细品 abandon及物动词 1. (a) go away from (a person or thing or place) not intending to return; forsake; desert.离开(某人、某物或某地〕而不返回;遗弃;抛弃;离弃:

   A baby abandoned by its parents. 被父母遗弃的婴儿。

   An abandoned car. 被抛弃的汽车。

   An abandoned dwelling. 被离弃的住所。

   An abandoned fort. 被遣弃的堡垒。

   An abandoned village. 被离弃的村庄。

   Give orders to abandon ship, 意思to leave a sinking ship. 下令弃船(离开正在下沉的船〕

   (b) abandon something/somebody (to do), leave something/somebody to be taken (by somebody)舍弃某物(某人〕而被(别人〕取得:

   They abandoned their lands to the invading forces. 他们丢下了土地,遭侵略军占领。

   2. give up completely (especial something begun)完全放弃(尤指已开始的某事物〕:

   Abandon a project, plan, scheme, etc. 放弃一项方案、计划、设计等。

   Urfe people who smoke to abandon the habit. 敦促吸烟的人戒烟。

   He abandon all hope, 意思是 stopped hoping. 他放弃了一切希望。

   The match was abandoned because of had weather. 比赛因天气恶劣而取消。

   3. abandon oneself to something, (formal) yield completely to (an emotion or impulse)完全屈从于(某种情感或冲动〕:

   He abandoned himself to despair. 他陷入绝望中。

   (also abandonment) 名词 freedom from worry or inhibitions,放任;纵情:

   dance with wild/gay abandon. 狂放地/尽情地跳舞。

   abandoned形容词 (usually attributive通常作定语) (of people or behaviour) wild or immoral,(指人的行为〕放荡的;堕落的。

   abandonment名词 abandoning 遗弃;抛弃;离弃;放弃;舍弃:

   Her abandonment of the idea upset him. 她放弃了这一意见,他不高兴。

   abdicate及物动词,不及物动词 1. resign from or formally renounce the throne, 退位;逊位:

   King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936. 英王爱德华八世于1936年退位。

   2. (formal正式文体中) formally relinquish (power, a high official position, etc.)正式放弃(权力、高位等〕:

   He‘s abdicated all responsibility in the affair. 他已经放弃了这件事中的一切职责。

   abdication名词, 退位。

   abduct及物动词,take aomebody away illegally, using force or deception; kidnap; (thesaurus: hijack; kidnap); 绑架;诱拐;

   The police think the boy has been abducted. 警察认为那个孩子已被绑架了。

   abduction 名词,绑架;诱拐;诱导;

   abductor 名词,绑架者;搬拐者;

   abhor 及物动词,变形:(-rr-)。 feel hatred and disgust for somebody or something; detest; 憎恨某人/某事物; 厌恶; 讨厌:

   Abhor terrorism. 憎恨恐怖活动。

   Abhor terrorists. 憎恨恐怖分子。

   I abhor to tell lies. 我憎恶撒谎。

   I abhor violence. 我痛恨暴力。

   abhorrence名词,hatred and disgust,憎恨;厌恶:

   Have an abhorrence of war. 憎恨战争。

   abhorrent 形容词,abhorrent to somebody: disgusting; hateful; 讨厌的;可恶的;可恨的;

   Violence is abhorrent to his gentle nature. 他性情温和,讨厌暴力。

   Violence is abhorrent to him. 他厌恶暴力。

   abide及物动词和不及物动词,过去式和过去分词都是:abided; 1 (especial with can/could, in negative sentences or questions特别用于否定句或疑问句中与can/could连用) tolerate (somebody/something); endure; bear,容忍(某人或某事物〕;忍受;忍耐:

   I can‘t abide that man. 我对那个人忍无可忍。

   How could you abide such conditions? 这种环境你怎么受得了呢?

   She can‘t abide watching horror films. 她不能看恐怖电影。

   He cannot abide to stay (or staying) in one position for long. 他无法忍受长久待在同一职位上。

   2 abide by something: act in accordance with something; be faithful to something,遵守某事物;忠于某事物:

   Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise. 请放心我们一定遵守诺言。

   Abide by a promise. 遵守诺言。 这里的abide by相当于keep

   Abide by an agreement, verdict, ruling, etc. 履行协议、服从裁定、遵从裁定。 这里的abide by相当于observe。

   You‘ll have to abide by the referee‘s decision. 你得遵从裁判的决定。 这里的abide相当于accept。


   3 (arch古)过去式abode, 过去分词abided, 现在分词abiding. Remain; continue; stay,逗留;延续;居留;停留:

   abide at a place. 住在某地。

   Abide with me. 和我住在一起吧。

   abide with somebody. 某人同住。

   Abide with one‘s mother. 与母亲同住。

   abiding形容词,enduring; permanent; 持久的;永久的:

   an abiding friendship, 永恒的友谊。

   an abiding hatred, 永世的仇恨。

   an abiding mistrust, 积久的疑忌。

   abject形容词,1 (of conditions) wretvhed; hopeless,(指情况〕凄惨的;绝望的:

   Abject proverty. 一贫如洗。

   Living in abject poverty. 过着极穷困的生活。

   Living in abject misery. 过着极悲惨的生活。

   2 (of people, their actions or brhaviour) lacking all pride; contemptible; despicable; (指人、动作或行为〕无耻的、下贱的、卑鄙的:

   An abject liar. 卑鄙的说谎者。

   An abject coward. 卑鄙的胆小鬼。

   Make an abject apology. 求饶。

   An abject apology. 低声下气的道歉。 这里的an abject相当于very humble。


   ablaze形容词,(pred 作表语) 1 burning; on fire; 燃烧;着火:

   Set something ablaze. 点火燃烧某物。

   The whole building was soon ablaze. 整座建筑很快就燃烧起来了。

   The house was ablaze in a few minutes. 房子几分钟变燃烧起来了。

   2 ablalze with somethingfig 比喻) (a) very bright; glittering;明亮;灿烂:

   Ablaze with light. 灯火通明。

   The palace was ablaze with lights. 那座宫殿灯火辉煌。

   The streets were ablaze with lights. 大街上灯火辉煌。

   (b) very excited; 非常激动:

   ablution名词, (usual pl通常复数) (fml or joc文或谑) ceremonial washing of the body, hands, sacred vessels, etc.(对身体、手、圣器等的〕洗礼:

   Perform one‘s ablutions, 沐浴。 相当于wash oneself。

   abnormal形容词,different, especial in an undesirable way, from what is normal, ordinary or expected, 反常的;不正常的;变态的:

   We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. 我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。

   Her behavior is abnormal for a girl of three years old. 以三岁女孩而言,她的行为太反常了。

   An abnormal child. 畸形儿。

   Abnormal psychology. 变态心里(学〕。

   Abnormal specimens, 异常样品。

   Abnormal weather, 反常天气。

   Abnormal conditions, 异常情况。

   Abnormal behaviour, 变态行为。

   Be physically abnomal, 身体上不正常。

   Be mentally abnormal, 精神上不正常。



   Abnormally large feet. 异常巨大的脚。

   His face was ablaze with anger. 他满面怒容。

   abolish及物动词,end the existence of (a custom, an institution, etc)废除;废止〔习俗、制度等):

   To abolish slavery. 废除奴隶制度。

   Should the death penalty be abolished? 应该废除死刑吗?

   abolition名词,abolishing or being abolished; 废除;废止:

   The abolition of slavery. 废除奴隶制度。

   The abolition of hanging. 绞刑的废除。

   abolitionist名词,person who favours abolition, especial of capital punishment.废除论者;(尤指〕主张废除死刑者; 废除主义者。

   The abolitionists advocated freedom for the slaves. 奴隶制度废除论者提倡解放奴隶。

   aboriginal形容词,(especial of people) inhabiting a land from a very early period, especial before the arrival of colonists; (尤指人)从很早的时期〔尤指殖民者到来之前)就居住于某地的;土著的:

   Aboriginal inhabitants. 土著居民。

   Aboriginal plants. 土生植物。

   aborigine名词,1 aboriginal inhabitant; 土著;土人。2 (also Aboriginal).

   Aborigine inhabitant of Australia. 澳大利亚土人。


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