人教版初三英语 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? lt;lesson 4 gt;教案与反思

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人教版初三英语 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? lt;lesson 4 gt;教案与反思,本站有更多关于英语教学反思,英语教学反思方面的作文。www.59wj.com

Step 1 Revision
1. Revise the target language they learned last class by asking Where would you like to go on vacation?

Get several children to answer I’d like to…because…
2. Check the homework by asking some children to read the conversations they wrote to the class.
Step 2 3a
At first introduce the key vocabulary words.
Teach students to read the vocabulary several times until they can read them out easily and correctly.
Read the passage quickly and try to answer the questions on the blackboard.
Write these questions on the blackboard:
1. What doesn’t Singapore have?
2. What does Singapore have?
3. Is Singapore also a wonderful place for shopping?
4. What don’t you plan on doing in singapore? why?
5. What is easiest to do in Singapore?
6. What is suggested to bring if you decide to go there? Why?
A few minutes later(maybe two or three minutes), ask different students to answer the questions.
Play the video tape of Singapore for students or show them some pictures.
Next, read the instructions to students.
Say, What things do you like about visiting Singapore and what things don’t you like? Read the passage again. Circle the things you like about visiting Singapore and underline

the things you don’t like.
Get them to finish the activity on their own.
Check the answers.
Step 3 3b
Read the instructions to students. Make sure that they know what to do.
Ask two students to read the sample conversation on the left in Activity 3b,
Note to correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the

rest of the class.
Ask another pair to model a conversation with the first group of words on the right, the words in the

first line. Listen to them carefully with the whole class to see if they can put the words in the

proper places. Then let the whole class practice in pairs. Each pair should make up four conversations

with the information on the right. Walk around the classroom as the students are working. Listen

to some pairs and see if they have met any problems. Offer some help as needed. After all the

students have finished practicing, ask some more pairs to share their conversations with their classmates.
Step 4 Part 4
Read the instructions to the children.
Make sure that they understand it.
Say, First think of a city you know, everyone. I think of Dalian. What about you?
Ask several ones to tell the names of the cities they’ve thought of.
Then say, Please write down the name of the city you’ve thought of on the line above city name in the chart.
After that, show some photos of Dalian to the students around the room. Then continue saying,

Dalian is a very beautiful city with wonderful beaches. It has very long coast. It also has quite a

few big and nice parks. Some are near the sea and some are not. I like the big museum of different

kinds of sea animals, too. What about you? What do you like about the cities you’ve written in your book?
Ask two or three to say something about their cities.
Then say, Now please fill in the left box with the things you like about the city.
I’ll write mine on the blackboard, you can use it as a sample.
Write the sample on the blackboard, and students write out theirs.
Walk around the classroom and direct them to write.
After all of them have finished, go on with the third step.
Now talk to your partner about the things you don’t like.
After they finish talking, go on saying something I don’t like about Dalian to them.
For example, The things in Dalian are too expensive.
They are for the rich. And there are too many cars running on the streets. It’s very hard for people to cross a street.
Can you say something you don’t like about your cities?
Ask some to say something on that to the class. Then tell them to fill in the box for things you don’t like. Let them talk to their partners about it.
Step 5 Summary
In this class, we’ve learned

something about Singapore, and we’ve talked about some other places all over the world.
We’ve done a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing practice using the target language.
Step 6 Homework
1. Write a short passage on the city you talked about in class.
2. Try to remember the new words on page 54.
Step Ⅷ Blackboard Design
通过本堂课 ,发现以下几个问题
  2。上过的新课,相应的配套练习,不自觉去独立完成,总希望老师和他们一起来做。
  3。死记硬背的东西多,联系的东西少,因此表面上看感觉还可以,但真正一考起来,问题出来很多,而且差距很大。 
 针对以上情况,要改变这种局面,我觉的要做的事很多。
首先,要培养学生良好的学习习惯,课前多预习,课堂 45 分钟让学生集中注意力听讲,把老师讲的内容真正听懂。不是似懂非懂。课后认真完成配套练习,不懂的地方,多老师或成绩好的学生请教。
其次,学生学习要主次分明,主要学科课后时间分配相应的因当多一些,特别是对英语学科,因为他毕竟不是国文。基础不打好,以后想提高也难。第三,要灵活掌握学过的知识点,学习要讲究方法,举一反三,融会贯通,只有这样,学生才能把所学的知识串联起来,不容易忘记。 字串9
  总之,要让学生明白,学习英语不是一天两天的事,是要靠平时慢慢积累起来的。 www.59wj.com
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