ACCA考试参考资料(English) -4

日期:04-04| |ACCA考试|人气:159

ACCA考试参考资料(English) -4 content
 moreplex cost of debt calculations
 cost of convertibles
 the cost of foreign currency denominated loan
 the limitations to the use of the wacc in project appraisal
 project specific waccs
 a wacc for overseas investment
knowledge checklist
able to calculate the cost of loan stock with variable redemption dates and those with interest which is not payable annually;
able to calculate the sterling equivalent cost of a foreign currency denominated loan;
able to understand the nature of convertible loan stocks and the problems of estimating the cost of a convertible;
able to understand the theoretical limitations to the use of the wacc in project evaluation and to calculate a project specific wacc;
able to calculate a wacc for evaluating an overseas investment and to understand the significance of international diversification. /

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