
日期:10-31| http://www.59wj.com |祝福赠言|人气:920


A three word source, halloween:

A lot of people are in Halloween ( October 31st) a celebration party, it is also called the" All Hallow E'en"," The Eve of All Hallows Halloween"," Hallow e'en", or" The eve of All Saintas'Day". The final usage evolved into " Halloween", Chinese translated into Halloween night. If it is separated into two words, is" Hallow" and" een".

In two, Halloween festival origin

( a ) the Celtic Samhain

In ancient Celtic religion, a new year begins in November 1st, or Samhain ( Samhain ). As a comparatively short day symbolizes the beginning of the new year, sunset also symbolizes the beginning of a new day; so the annual harvest festival in October 31st night. British Isles Druid - light crops as a sacrifice, and when they dance around a fire, the sun season will end and Sa Wen Halloween Ghost Dog.

Festival begins. The Celts believed that the God of death Samhain on the evening of October 31st and the ghost together to return to earth, the seeking of substitutes. So they lit the torch, burning the animal as the God of death tribute. But also with the animal 's head or fur made of dressed in costumes, sound an, the death of God did not recognize themselves, avoid disaster. This is today a Halloween Costume Party. After that night, the ghost returns to the underworld, everything back to normal. The morning of November 1st, the Druids to the fire still burning ember to every one, used to ignite new kitchen fire. The flame is used to allow the house to keep warm, and drive away evil spirits. Because this is believed to be a year of yin and Yang world intangible connection was opened, and the two world may have to communicate with each moment.

The bonfire is the important festival program. The villagers put slaughter bone thrown into the fire; reportedly" bonfire" one word comes from" head fire". The fire lit, the villagers put to rest the lights all went out. Then each household with a fire ignited his stately fireplace, as the village people unite mark. Up to now in Ireland, there are still hundreds of bonfire in the Halloween night light. Neo-Pagan remains in the Halloween night held at Samhain midnight ghosts ritual, as well as other traditional festivals. Norway Christian Pentecost

( two) spirit of Norway Festival ( Elven Blot ) in the ancient legend ( Religion in Norway ) and the restoration of the traditional study ( Á satru ) is mentioned, Halloween Fancy Dress Party

Eve day was a sacrifice Festival blot, slaughtered cattle sacrifice spirit, worship God bless the food. A song about 1020poems, Sigvatr Þ orð arson Austrfaravisur (" Oriental Travel Poems ( Eastern-journey verses )" ) have this record. The author as a Christian, had declined in a Swedish pagan roots Lodge, because alfablot (" elves sacrifice" ) are held there. However, the content of "alfablot" we can get more reliable information. However, like other ritual ( blot ), has offered food this link, later Scandinavia also retained to cattle sacrifice spirit of traditional. From the day of the sacrifice (near the autumnal equinox ), but also because of the elves and the birth and ancestry have contact, we can guess the ritual essence is the worship of ancestors, and pray to have a flourishing population. Ancient Kellert people Yin Festival original Halloween originated from the ancient people ( Celt Kellert, namely the Irish ancestry ) is Yin ( section Samhain, read Sow-in ).

( three) ancient Kelete people

After the introduction of Christianity, assimilation and pagan, put the original Halloween ( AllSaints'Day or AllHallows ) in the same day, November 1st, and October 31st will be Halloween ( Halloween ). Clutter is nomadic people. Yin Festival, on one hand they prepare for winter and welcome the New Year Festival; on the other hand is also a religious festival. Yin ( Samhain ) is one of their deity, the priest is to recruit Yat ( Druid ). Although no official historical record, but researchers think, they believe in Yin Festival, people can see the spirit of things, including regression dead soul and spirit of the demon. These spiritual individuals belong to the evil, to Yin day harm to others, so Kellert people to please ( Treat ) these ghost, lest they do evil. ( Trick ). For example, someone in the house before placing food, let the spirit to enjoy, and this is the origin of? TrickorTreat?. At the same time, the priests of religious ceremonies for dat. Almost all studies have pointed out, there will be slaughtered in the ceremony of sacrifice to livestock. As there is no human sacrifice, although differ but nobody denies. In addition, there is definitely a divination magic things. Halloween other customs also some magic and superstition, such as digging face of the great pumpkin ( Jack-O-Lantern ). It's a man called Jack ( Jack ), because the act of extreme, even after the death of heaven or hell are not accepted, had to wander around, find a radish ( Radish ), hollowed out the middle, put some red coals, but in the dark to find a way. In addition, the Halloween Costume originated in Yin Festival sacrifice, slaughter cattle and livestock participants put on the skin. Also, the participants wear all kinds of masks is to avoid evil spirits, also survived.

( four) the current situation

Halloween today has not spread to the religious superstition, it became a holiday for children, young people also masquerade festival. On the social activities of the festival has been doing positive guide: ask the adult education children threatening not to the practical joke, also ask the adult children go out together ( usually an adult car parked on the roadside, children knock on the door to discuss sugar ). Adults should ask their children only to have the gate layout of the festival of lights and point them, or do not bother. In addition to discuss sugar process must always stand at the gate waiting for, not inside, recover the sugar to pay only after the inspection must eat. Reception on the child's family also asked not to produce their own food, nor to the non-food packaging. Public places and home around the festival layout are voluntary. A jack-o-lantern, white net black spider, the white ghost, Halloween

All festivals decorated, have no shocking Halloween colors. Some girl students are this time will buy a pumpkin and ghost skull earrings to wear. If there is any home decorate do too scary, being related to stop, the media also can make its exposure, let the public criticism. Halloween costume, and thousand million, not monotonous large ghost soldier. There are many ways to teach people how to make Halloween costume. For example, making the most simple ghost costume with a white bed sheets at the top of his head, don't forget to buckle two holes for eyes is; if want to play the magician, wear black clothes black pants, wear black bowler hat, and in the topper and head between reservoir a downy Bunny standby; also taught adults how to make children dressed as angels, white pants, and again from behind how to tie a flashlight on the head; also teaches how to put children dress up like their favorite cartoon. Of course, clothing, props industry businessmen, more articles can be done. Schools in the Halloween is not a holiday. Sometimes the school to organize the party, sometimes unwilling to remain out of the limelight of the students will also own hosting small parties; friends, family and mutual send greeting cards Happy Halloween has become the year October popular custom. In conclusion, Halloween has become western a very ordinary seasonal festivals. There are many people see this as the end of autumn and winter. Halloween, people began to look forward to Christmas and the new year.

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