
日期:04-21| http://www.59wj.com |GMAT考试|人气:124


1. not all employment selection mechanisms that have a "disparate effect," that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to their presence in the relevant labor market, are unlawful.
  (a) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to

  (b) which means, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with

  (c) which means, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with

  (d) that is, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to

  (e) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with

  2. modern critics are amused by early scholars' categorizing tacitus's germania as an ethnographic treatise.

  (a) scholars' categorizing tacitus's germania as

  (b) scholars' categorizing tacitus's germania as if

  (c) scholars, categorizing of tacitus's germania as

  (d) scholars who categorize tacitus's germania as

  (e) scholars who categorize tacitus's germania if

  3. it may be that by focusing primarily on a patient's mental condition and on vague and often very speculative psychodynamic factors, predictions about the patient's future behavior decrease in accuracy.

  (a) predictions about the patient's future behavior decrease in accuracy

  (b) mental health professionals lessen the accuracy of their predictions about the patient's future behavior

  (c) the accuracy of predictions about the patient's future behavior lessens

  (d) a decrease in accuracy is seen in predictions about the patient's future behavior can be predicted less accurately

  (e) the patient's future behavior can be predicted less accurately

  4. under the new corporate insurance policy, when an employer is charged for damages to a third party wholly or largely as a result of actions by an employee, he is entitled to recoup the amount of the damages.

  (a) he is entitled to recoup

  (b) the employer is entitled to recoup

  (c) he or she is entitled to recoup

  (d) he is entitled to recoup for

  (e) the employer is entitled to recoup for

  5. in presenting his modus vivendi proposal, lansing implied that the american government accepted the german view that armed merchant vessels were warships: however, when the proposal was dropped by the wilson administration, it seemed to be reverting to the british view on this question.

  (a) when the proposal was dropped by the wilson administration, it

  (b) after it was dropped, the wilson administration

  (c) by dropping the proposal, the wilson administration

  (d) the wilson administration dropped the proposal when it

  (e) when they dropped the proposal, the wilson administration

  6. the 19th-century proponents of the school of thought known as mechanism held that life process are not the products of some mysterious life force, but are the same chemical and physical processes that operate in inorganic systems, which is still a subject of debate between biologists today.

  (a) systems, which is still a subject of debate between

  (b) systems, which are still debated between

  (c) systems still debated among

  (d) systems, a theory still debated by

  (e) systems, a theory still debated between

  7. less detrimental than the effects of bacterial transformation is the effects of bacterial deterioration: spoilage of food, metals corroding, decay of wood, and other undesirable alterations of substances.

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