
日期:12-15| http://www.59wj.com |心得技巧|人气:798

雅思总分8.5妖人非学习经验交流 这是上月在lena进行的雅思考试,妖人simon的一篇非技术类雅思学习经验,希望对大家有所借鉴。 Sleep very well the night preceding the test; before going to bed, avoid watching TV, playing video games or doing other activities that may put undue strain on your eyes. And no alcohol!

  这个是考试前夜的一些注意事项,我觉得还是因人而异的,实在睡不着,只要你心态好也可以。 On the day of the test, get up early enough – you want to make sure you are thoroughly awake by the time the test starts. Have a good breakfast, drink sufficient water, and don’t forget to use the restroom.

  两个字:起早 When deciding what time to leave the house, take weather conditions and traffic into account; I suggest you have a friend or family member give you a ride, to avoid being pulled over for reckless IELTS-fever driving. If possible, try to take the test at the same time with a friend or classmate; you can help each other out a lot by studying together, sharing materials and comparing teacher’s corrections on your homework.

  你不是一个人在战斗,这个是很重要的,当然,不要对答案啊。 During the last 20 minutes of waiting in the test room, anxiety may take over and fill your head with terrifying scenarios. You may feel scared, paralyzed, drawing a blank. This is the time to look around the room, make eye contact with your friend and smile. He or she probably needs this even more than you do.

  6. While the recording is playing, look in your paper, and occasionally rest your eyes on the floor or anything inanimate. DON’T look at other people. Their reactions to the listening will distract you and, even worse, the proctors may suspect you are trying to cheat.

  7. For the interview, dress professionally, but don’t overdo it; try to avoid new, very tight, or uncomfortable clothes or shoes. When giving your 2-minute answer, make sure you have an interesting story to tell, but don’t worry if the examiner seems a bit cold or unfriendly; they have instructions to stay neutral and keep facial expressions to a minimum. 如果觉得《雅思总分8.5妖人非学习经验交流》心得技巧,yashi不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

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