六年级英语作文:A Good Friend of mine

日期:04-06| http://www.59wj.com |英语作文|人气:550

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  I have a good friend whose name is Chen Yingxi. She doesn't work very well at her study, but she is very willing to help others.

  One day, my lunch box disppeared from our class' lunch-basket, so I had to look for it in other classes' lunch-basket. Chen Yingxi said, "Let me go to look for it with you." Then we went to the third floor and the fourth floor to look for my lunch box. At last, we found it, and sweat covered both of our foreheads. I expressed my thanks to her, but she said, " Don't mean it. This is what a friend is all about."

  I am very glad to make friends with Chen Yingxi.

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