儿童英语演讲:My School Life_英语演讲稿

日期:10-31| http://www.59wj.com |英语演讲稿|人气:124

儿童英语演讲:My School Life_英语演讲稿,本站有更多关于英语演讲稿,英语演讲稿方面的作文。www.59wj.com
H t Tp: //www.59wj.com   I love school.I think school is really cool.Let me tell you about my school life. I go to school five days a week.I'm there eight hours each day.School is a big part of my life. My school day is long.My schedule is so full.There is always something going on. My teachers are excellent.They help me to improve.They are very patient and kind. My classmates are good friends.We often study together.We always help each other out. We are like a team.We play games and enjoy activities.We laugh and have fun when we can. My schoolwork keeps me busy.I have homework every day.I have quizzes and tests all the time. I like learning new things.I know knowledge is power.I'm preparing for the future. My school is like a family.It's like a home away from home.I hope you feel the same way about your school. H t Tp: //www.59wj.com
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